Ready to Pounce
Maybe we’re putting the cart before the horse here, because the seller hasn’t quite listed yet, but it is such a unique position that we
feel it is better to work on it now so we’re ready to pounce once the property does get listed. On offer is a strangely unique (in a good
way!) property. We’re talking over 1250m2 of land with three of four boundaries having frontage to high quality and usable parkland, and the
fourth boundary only has a neighbour for half of it. Even better is the fact it is almost flood free, which may come as a surprise because
if there’s one thing you should know about Brisbane – if it is parkland it likely floods! But we’re not done yet! There’s also a large
existing sold brick and concrete home to one side of the block. Full brick is uncommon. Full brick that can be retained whilst the site gets
subdivided? That’s nearly unheard of! The site suits a 1 into 2 lot subdivision (house retained on one lot) with the option of anew
home on the vacant lot. Buyers at or just under $1.6m should call Justin on 0410511535.
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